immigration/ border controlORgun control / Mandatory background checks

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immigration/ border controlORgun control / Mandatory background checks

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: Other

Level: High School

Pages: 11

Words: 3025

Gun control and the mandatory background check
In the United States of America alone, at least 22 percent of the citizens own one or two guns with the majority of the owners being men than women. It then means that in every 100 people, there are 88.8 guns or simply the country enjoys citizenry gun ownership of about 270 million, one of the highest number of gun ownership in the world (Parnell, William, 2). Though the data on gun ownership is worrying, the culture of gun ownership seems not to be a modern issue, but it has the revolutionary roots stemming from the colonial history. The question as to what it means for the massive gun ownership not just in the United States alone lies in the whole discussion on the gun control and the policies involved. There are many policies intended to control the gun ownership by the citizen, and one such policy is the mandatory background check policy. Therefore the question of the effectiveness of gun control and the mandatory background check policy has been the topic of discussion among the people and organizations leading the public debate.
Gun control
The whole essay rotates around the public discussion on the gun control creating its basis on the mandatory background check policy as one of the policies meant to guide gun control. However, for the health discussion, background knowledge about the gun control and the mandatory background check policy is inevitable. Gun control involve…

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