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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: University

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Student’s Name
Tutor’s Name
Australian Consumer Law and Law of Negligence
Part A
In the case at hand, the problems that ought to be addressed are if Avant Developments violated any provisions stipulated in the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) 2010 concerning Amaroo’s leasing of the kiosk and the remedies available for Amaroo Yunupingu under the ACL. Amaroo had insufficient knowledge of the English language as well as business and financial matters, and this was so apparent to Steve Jones, Avant Developments’ representative, but still, he asked him to sign a 30-page lease within twenty-four hours without ascertaining that Amaroo had comprehended the terms. Within the lease, there is a term that states that Amaroo will be charged rent at 30 % higher than other occupants and Steve failed to notify him of this vital information. More so, it is planned that after two months of leasing, the Food Court will be closed down for a six month period for refurbishment purposes; all tenants are advised of that expect Amaroo. As such, Amaroo entered into a contract with Avant Developments without fully understanding the terms of the contract. Unfortunately, before commencing business, an accident at the railway station forces Amaroo to be hospitalized for approximately six months, and because of this, he is unable to start the business at the kiosk that he had leased from Avant Developments.
Australian Consumer Law (ACL) 2010.
Section 18 of the 2010 ACL…

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