How World War Two set the stage for the Cold War

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How World War Two set the stage for the Cold War

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

How World War Two set the stage for the Cold War
Realism and liberalism foreign diplomacy ideology were the main factors that led to World War II and Cold War consecutively. World War II gave rise to new foreign diplomacy strategies that are engagement, rollback and containment. In the Cold War era, the Soviet Union was supporting realism while the United States was supporting Liberalism. Today, many nations worldwide have embraced the use the idealism type of policy while countries such as the Islamic nations still hold on realism type of foreign policy. The evidence of how engagement, rollback and containment policies were used in the cold war are Berlin Blockade, the Cuban missile, the Chinese Nixon/Mao speech, Vietnam War, and the Korean War. During the Cold War, all these of incidences impacted positively or negatively on either side of the Soviet Union or the United States interest. Currently, the Russian and the United States governments are still using engagement, rollback and containment policies to further their interest. For example, the war on ISL terror group in Syria and the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein regime.
Keywords: realism and liberalism policies
How World War Two set the stage for the Cold War
The World War II significantly impacted the cold war. Realism and liberalism ideology are essential in the international foreign policy. This is because they were the main factors that led to World War II and Cold War co…

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