how to study for finals

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how to study for finals

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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How to Study for Finals
Finals are the determinants for the achievement of student in any educational program. Final exams are fundamental in determining the achievement of students despite the challenges on how to study for the finals. Therefore, planning is necessary for alleviating the challenges of the study for finals.
The first step for planning on how to study for finals is to make a schedule. A student can make a schedule, yes, but it needs to be feasible and stick to all the guidelines stated in the schedule ADDIN CSL_CITATION {“citationItems”:[{“id”:”ITEM-1″,”itemData”:{“DOI”:”10.1007/BF01173772″,”ISBN”:”2161-4210″,”ISSN”:”2161-4210″,”abstract”:”“Circuits and Electronics” (6.002x), which began in March 2012, was the first MOOC developed by edX, the consortium led by MIT and Harvard. Over 155,000 students initially registered for 6.002x, which was composed of video lectures, interactive problems, online laboratories, and a discussion forum. As the course ended in June 2012, researchers began to analyze the rich sources of data it generated. This article describes both the first stage of this research, which examined the students’ use of resources by time spent on each, and a second stage that is producing an in-depth picture of who the 6.002x students were, how their own background and capabilities related to their achievement and persistence, and how their interactions with 6.002x’s curricular and pedago…

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