How is marriage universal? Why does our culture rely on the nuclear family rather than the extended family? What is a kinship system? How does it serve as a social safety net? ? How does distance trav

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How is marriage universal? Why does our culture rely on the nuclear family rather than the extended family? What is a kinship system? How does it serve as a social safety net? ? How does distance trav

Category: Compare and Contrast Essay

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The universality of marriage is supported by its presence in all cultures across the globe as a social institution (Crossman). At some point in life, nearly every person, irrespective of their cultural affiliation or geographical is expected to enter some form of marital union. This makes marriage universal.
In the nuclear family, people tend to exhibit improved relationships due to the small size. Differences that complicates family relations are limited as in the case of extended families. As a consequence, it is easier for nuclear families to work towards a shared goal with limited interruptions that often arise from arising from the existence of multiple viewpoints.
Kinship denotes a typology of social organization that is founded on actual or putative familial connections. Kinship can be conceptualized as a relationship between two people as a result of lineage or marriage. As such, in anthropology, kinship emanates from people being linked by blood or social relationship. There are different types of kinships. That which arises from blood connection is called consanguineal. Affinal kinship is supported by marriage. Additionally, people belonging to different communities may be connected through religious or social groups (Crossman).
Kinship provides one with affiliations to a specific family so that in the delivery of different services by the relevant authority. As such, kinship predisposes a person to benefit when …

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