How did the cold war events demonstrate a rejection of liberalism?

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How did the cold war events demonstrate a rejection of liberalism?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Astronomy

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name
Rejection of Liberalism
Ideologically, the cold war was meant to demonstrate which side of the argument was right and how to firm the doctrine of the communism and capitalism stand during these events that transpired during this time. The Soviet Union was the main proponent of the ideas of communism, and, on the other hand, the USA was the supporter of the ideas that favored the growth of capitalism in the World. Therefore, at this time people who rejected the side of the argument from their country were isolated and labeled as enemies (Baylis 45). The right to liberty was at the test. Generally, liberalism is a doctrine that seeks to perpetuate the right of the individuals in making decisions about their lives.
In July 1965, the war erupted in Vietnam when the USA sent 150000 soldiers to that country. The specifics of the war to this day are not known. At the time Vietnam had just got independence, and the leadership of the country was supportive of the ideas of the communism. The government of the USA at the time was aggressive towards the countries that supported the sustainability of the communism. Consequently, the course of the war was justifiable since Vietnam was among the main proponents of the communism. The USA was not willing in any way to relax on the annihilation of this philosophical system. Though, most of the people in the USA were against the war since they were not sufficiently informed about the source of the figh…

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