Hope for the World Paul and Vincent Donovan

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Hope for the World Paul and Vincent Donovan

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Hope for the World Paul and Vincent Donovan
What is the “hope” that Paul and Vincent Donovan want to bring to the world?
Hope which Paul and Vincent Donovan bring to the world is real happiness where restoration of faith takes place. In the past, the Masai community did not have true happiness. The community has been trying to fight loneliness where hopelessness had occupied most part of their lives (Donovan 276). The Masai community took pride in walks across their plains as nomads. The community also took part in cultural dances but did not have any hopes for the future.
The reason is that the Masai community did not have happiness since they did not have knowledge about God. God is associated with happiness in such a case (Donovan 277). The Masai people did not recognize God at all. Paul and Donovan then had the sole responsibility of ensuring that the community was happy and had faith in God and the future. This was a sign that evangelism has no discrimination because the gospel was spread to both the Jews and Gentiles.
What strikes you about how they brought that hope?
The courage which Paul and Vincent Donovan had when they spread the gospel of hope to all the communities including the Masai community was way much striking and amazing. The men took a great risk by embracing vulnerability when they visited a strange community which had no information about them (Donovan 276). The community…

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