History of photography, types of photography, photography techniques

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History of photography, types of photography, photography techniques

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: High School

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

History of photography, types of photography, photography techniques
The word photography was coined from two Greek words: photo meaning light, and graph meaning drawing. Drawing using the light can be used to describe photography. When making photographs, light or another form of radiant energy like X-rays is used to create or record an image of an object on a light-sensitive surface. The early forms of photographs were called sun pictures because sunlight was used to create the image. As mentioned before, mankind has been making images at least since the cave paintings dating back to 20,000 years ago. The invention of photography has allowed for a realistic image that would have taken a skilled artist hours or even days to draw to be recorded in exact detail within fractions of a second CITATION Iva10 l 1033 (Tolmachev, 2010).
The History of Photography
The word photography was coined from two Greek words: photo meaning light and graph meaning drawing. Drawing using the light can be used to describe photography. When making photographs, light or another form of radiant energy like X-rays is used to create or record an image of an object on a light-sensitive surface. The early forms of photographs were called sun pictures because sunlight was used to create the image. As mentioned before, mankind has been making images at least since the cave paintings dating back to 20,000 years ago. The invention of photography has allowed for a realisti…

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