Growing up with Dyslexia – ways it can affect the learning process and social life of school age children

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Growing up with Dyslexia – ways it can affect the learning process and social life of school age children

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

How Dyslexia Affect Learning and Social Life of a Child
Professor’s name
This paper is written with a focus on teachers and parents to the children living with dyslexia. The paper explores four published research about people living with dyslexia. These publications vary in their findings. (Riddick (2009) claims that the society assumes the dyslexic people and, therefore, give them less attention. The society thinks that difficulty in learning means inability to learn. McNulty (2003) considers them mistreated in the society. They get little attention from their teachers, parents and peers. The paper looks at the social and academic challenges dyslexic children at the school going age go through. Parents, teachers and the physicians are asked to take good care of the dyslexic children in the society. The paper calls for the society to keep the collective responsibility of taking care of them. Teachers and the physicians as professionals are required to work with the society by giving professional advice to the society to take care of the dyslexic. The paper outlines the challenges of the dyslexic to include misunderstanding from the immediate people, rejection, stigmatisation and mockery. The paper also dismisses the belief that dyslexic people are unable to perform well in school. According to the findings, dyslexic learners demonstrate difficulties in reading, writing, comprehension and communication. It is, therefore, imp…

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