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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Poetry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Poem Grammar
The literal meaning of the poem is a diversified culture, different languages and human interaction but this comes with a responsibility — a person who left behind everything of his heritage and is back later with no family, native tongue or tribe. The word for love sweeps the past and apology is granted. She is embracing and kind but wants to know first the kind of Indian you are. Bloodlines define clans and lineage is vital.
The theme is a diversity of characters who interact in love, people from different evolutions. The title doesn’t hold much significance until the poem is understood. After a repetitive reading, one would realize that the title ‘Grammar’ gives a reasonable hint about the poem. The existence of different languages signifies the corresponding variation in the grammar. “No language considers itself part of another.” (Aja, 25) This line gives concrete evidence as a backup.
The tone of the poem is cheerful and playful, words like ‘doodooshaaboo’ and ‘gookoosh’ are used to pass information. The subjects of the poem are addressed in an attitude which is not solemn.
The poem has prose structures long and short-forms of poetic line to focus on the minutia of responsibilities associated with the culture, language, and human interaction, this is the structure of the poem.
The sounds in the poem greats a loud tone ‘doodooshaaboo’ and ‘gookoosh.’ Repetitio…

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