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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Threats’ Part of the SWOT Analysis of Ford
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Threats’ Part of the SWOT Analysis of Ford
Ford Motor Company, the company that holds the second position in the automaker industry, has managed to maintain its competitiveness and enjoys high profitability because it balances its internal as well as external forces. For the four forces which the company experiences, the threats are the least even though their impacts are substantial and can attract significant risks (Miller, 2015). These threats include stiff competition, the emergence of electric cars, the notable scandal that Volkswagen is associated with, and the emergence of taxi companies including Uber Company.
Reportedly, within the current two decades, Ford has faced stiff market competition from other motor vehicle companies such as Nissan, Toyota, and Mercedes. These companies have remained consistent in the market, and the fact that they produce quality products attracts many motor vehicle customers. Besides, the new Millennium was characterized by the invention of cars which are exclusively electric. Consumers have been attracted by these cars since using them means to save a significant amount of gas. These cars are automatic, and since they do not pollute the environment, affiliated environmental bodies have recommended them to the consumers.
In the current world, transportation and therefore movement has been rendered extremely easy because of th…

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