Followership vs servant leadership

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Followership vs servant leadership

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Physical science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The servant leadership starts with a usual sense that servants require to be well thought-out first. A person who serves must assist first. In this type of leadership, workers are offered more importance. The servant as leader explains one driven by a yearning ‘to assist first,’ comprehending that leadership is conferred and can be taken away. A servant leader is more probable to persist and polish his theory on what assists another’s high importance requirements in comparison to the other individual who is the leader first and who aids well along out of motivations of integrity or in traditionalism with normative prospects. Under the servant leadership, the servant survives to attain a greater communal good. He or she is influenced by a wish to serve others rather than looking for power for individual gain (Reed, 2015).
Conversely, the idea of followership occurred with leadership concurrently. An individual who is inspired and influenced by a leader is known as the follower. A leader cannot be present without followers. Excellent followership and servant leadership fluctuate chiefly in space of interpersonal consideration. Followership takes the experiences of servant leadership as the direction to life and as the absolute foundation through which an individual can get a way of implementing their responsibilities. Followership and leadership can be distinguished by their nature of behavior, but they are interconnected. The mirr…

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