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Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Substance Abuse among the Disabled
Substance abuse among the disabled
Substance use disorders occur when the persistent consumption of alcohol or drugs triggers clinically substantial impairment, including health problems, and failure to meet major responsibilities at home or at work (“Mental and Substance Use Disorders”). About 56.7 million people in the United States live with a physical disability (“U.S. Census Bureau Disability Statistics Facts for Features,” 2017). 50% of individuals with physical disabilities have common and wide spread cases Substance misuse. What is more, people with disabilities suffer substance abuse rates that are double to quadruple that of people in the general population (Weiss, 2017).
It is unlikely for persons with physical disabilities to receive treatment (Murray, 2018). A large percentage of disabled individuals with a disorder of substance use begin using either drugs or alcohol as an alternative to cope with their disability and any physical or mental side effects that accompany it. In addition, individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) such as bipolar disorder may have a reduced ability to reason clearly and may end up using drugs to enhance their social interactions.
There is heightened concern about substance use among the disabled; this is due to the interference with prescription medications. Prescription medications for pain used by patients with disabilities tend to have a high potential for ad…

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