feeding session

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feeding session

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Logistics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Group Feeding Session
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
List three positive aspects of this group
Through this group feeding therapy, it acts like a motivation for children to try new meals. It is through the interaction between the children and the therapist that makes the children consider feeding to be fun and thus showcase an interest in feeding new meals.
This group feeding therapy helps in instilling proper feeding behavior among children, and this includes how the children should sit when having a meal it can be noted in the video (Gatepath, 2010) the children have adopted a good feeding position hence eliminating mealtime battles with children.
Group feeding therapy session plays a critical role in enhancing the sensory stimuli (conditioning) of children with respect to eating. Children will be able to know what is expected from them when it is mealtime.
List three ways as an occupational therapist you could make this group more engaging through creativity and purpose
In order to enhance interaction among children, it would be prudent to have smaller groups of children of about 5-6 children sitting around a round-table.
The food can be modeled into shapes such as circles, stars et cetera. Children have high affinity towards shapes and thus will be willing to take the food and place in the mouth and bite.
In addition, some of the food can be made using flavors that will enhance the palatability hence making the children find the new…

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