Explain How Ahab is a Tragic Hero in Moby Dick

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Explain How Ahab is a Tragic Hero in Moby Dick

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Ahab, a Tragic Hero
A tragic hero in a play, film or novel is the leading character in a dramatic tragedy and is destined for downfall or defeat. Captain Ahab, in Moby Dick, is a tragic hero. Ahab exhibits intelligence and leadership skills; however, he has fatal flaws that make him fall from his greatness. In this case, the become the cause of his sad life towards the end of the narrative. In this context, the paper discusses Ahab’s pride and ego, and defiance as the reason behind him being a tragic hero in Moby Dick.
Captain Ahab is full of pride and ego. After losing his leg, Ahab declared himself a prophet and prophesized that he will “dismember, Moby Dick, his dismemberer” (Melville 161). Moreover, he had confidence that he will kill the white whale. His pride and ego made him trust his dangerous and illogical plan. Eventually, his pursuit of Moby Dick due to arrogance and failure to reason led to his downfall.
Additionally, Ahab is defiant. Starbuck, his crewmate, advised him against killing Moby Dick. However, Captain Ahab defied and did not heed to his advice. Ahab claimed that Moby Dick dismasted him and that he would hunt the white whale (Melville 156). Despite his lower rank, Starbuck offered logical and sound advice; yet, Ahab defied him. Furthermore, when Captain Ahab encountered a big storm, he did not sail away from the storm but instead challenged nature and decided to go through the storm. Eventu…

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