expertise in network security, firewalls, and VPN solutions.

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expertise in network security, firewalls, and VPN solutions.

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Expertise in Network Security, Firewalls and VPN Solutions
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Expertise in Network Security, Firewalls and VPN Solutions
The contemporary digital world of today is rapidly becoming interconnected with the internet coupled with the new technology of networking. Consequently, there is a lot of information that is of commercial nature, personal, military and even governmental on the existing network systems (Lye & Wing, 2005). Kahate (2013) provides that the internet mechanism has been developed in a way it is vulnerable to many security threats. This brings about the necessity of security to the divergent information that is within the network systems hence the element of network security (Raya & Hubaux, 2005). It has been established that mitigating the vulnerability of the computer attacks can be achieved through modification of the architecture of the internet (Pathan, Lee & Hong, 2006). This is possible if there is adequate knowledge relating to the attack methods. In practice, businesses work towards securing themselves by use of encryption mechanisms and firewalls (Snader, 2015). It is to this effect that this paper seeks to critically analyze the whole concept of network security, firewalls and VPN solutions as well as provide recommendations thereto.
Overview of Network Security Fundamentals, Security Threats and Issues
Most applications that exist have system and network technology…

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