English Profile Essay

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English Profile Essay

Category: Profile Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Instructor’s name:
Subject: Full Throttle Research
Dear sir/madam
I am writing in response to your invitation to participate in the full throttle research. I am one of the marketing assistants for full throttle research, responsible for enrolling a study group comprising of a maximum of twenty individuals to evaluate a new television series commercial for a client in our firm. Firstly, I offer my profound awe for willing to take part in the full throttle research, and I greatly appreciate your time, (Staub 67), effort and patience. With high regard to our previous agreement about your participation in the research, I was informed my colleague had also recruited the maximum number of people required. Therefore, we have an excess of twenty people.
I was eagerly looking forward to you being part of us, but I regret to inform you that, based on the requirements of the research, we have decided however important you are to us, your invitation to full throttle research has been terminated. However, considering your passion for taking part in the television commercials, I would like to invite you to make applications in the future for any vacancy in the media related commercials.
Full throttle is a company that aims at achieving the best and accurate results for the benefit of the client and the focus group. Therefore, I take full responsibility for this mistake and assure you there will be no repeat of the same. Regarding our discussion earlier on, a…

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