Endocrine with exocrine glands: Compare and contrast structure and function

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Endocrine with exocrine glands: Compare and contrast structure and function

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institutional affiliations

Endocrine and Exocrine Glands; Compare and Contrast Their Functions
Edo refers to the inside, while ‘crine’ refers to the secretion process. This means endocrines secret into the bloodstream. While ‘exo’ refers to outside hence, they secret outside over the target to release their secretion. The current research on the endocrine and exocrine system is now focusing on what disrupt these organs from releasing hormones and enzymes respectively. Also, the present study has focused on.
The significant structural difference between this two glands, exocrine gland are glands which secret enzymes to the duct which transport them outside the body or other organs of the body, whereas endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstreams directly. Hormones can be referred to as chemical signals which assist in the communication of cells.
Both of this two glands release proteins, that is hormones and enzymes, that is required in the body of human beings so that it can work regularly. Some of the examples of exocrine glands are sublingual, prostate, mammary glands, salivary glands, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. Examples of endocrines glands are ovaries glands which release sex hormones into the bloodstream (Meda, Pepper, 1993). One other example is adrenal glands which produce sex hormones. Pineal gland which is found in the brain releases melatonin hormones when responding to dark environments. …

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