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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Effects of Social Media about Masculinity and Femininity
Many factors influence our views on masculinity and femininity. Some of these factors include culture, profession, and media among others. Among all these factors, media has the most powerful and persuasive influences on femininity and masculinity. From the activities of the two different genders on social media, people can form different views and ideas on the two genders. Social Media communicates to its audience on a daily basis through the images and other forms of representation that concerns femininity and masculinity.
Social media portrays men as authoritative and women are incompetent. Social media represents men to be competent authorities who always save women from their incompetence. Even in most television programs men still outnumber women (Richardson & Sadie 8). This makes people form an idea that men are more competent than women.
Social media also portrays men as the breadwinners and women as caregivers. Some programs aired on televisions always show women involved in chores around the house and raising children. Men are still out working to provide for the family (Richardson & Sadie 13). Men are always not involved in performing house chores or child care. The social media gives less attention to women who are engaged in commercial activities than men.
The social media also represent women as sex objects and men as aggressors. Wom…

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