Effect of pain reduction using Acupuncture for Women in Labour

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Effect of pain reduction using Acupuncture for Women in Labour

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Composition

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 300

Effect of Pain Reduction Using Acupuncture for Women in Labour
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Effect of Pain Reduction Using Acupuncture for Women in Labour
The need for effective pain management interventions during childbirth cannot be overemphasizedCITATION Pai14 l 2057 (Lally, Thomson, MacPhail, & Exley, 2014). Herein, a systematic review topic on the effectiveness of acupuncture in pain reduction for women in labour is formulated and it encompasses a research question, clinical justification, and relevance to Chinese medicine.
Research Topic and Question
The systematic review topic is formulated following the PICOS (Patients, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, Study design) format. The patient population (study group) is women in labour. The proposed intervention is acupuncture. In this study, there will be no comparators. The anticipated outcomes is substantial pain reduction through acupuncture. The study design is a systematic review. From the above, it is possible to formulate the following study topic: Investigating the Impact of Acupuncture as an Effective Intervention for Pain Management for Women in Labour: A Systematic Review. The following research question will guide the study: Is acupuncture a more effective pain management intervention with pharmacological methods?
Justification and Relevance to Chinese Medicine
The need to identify a safe and effective pain management intervention for women in labour is vital. For some, religio…

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