Economics Literary Analysis Essay

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Economics Literary Analysis Essay

Category: Literary Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Cornell Notes
Lecture, reading/chapter/novel/article during class, power point, movies (if need to collect info.)
Topic: Payment Schemes for a two-level consignment stock supply chain system
-1714544450Essential Question:
00Essential Question:

Questions/Main Ideas: Name: _
Date: _28 October 2018___
1.Suppy chain coordinating under cost and demand disruptions The supply chain is often disrupted by changes in production costs and market demand.
Firms are required to consistently adjust in response to market disruptions in production costs and demand.
2.Supply chain management and firm’s performance Effective supply chain management has a significant effect on a firm’s performance (Cao, Zhou, & Lu, 2015).
Firms need to constantly revise their initial production plans to respond to market changes in the event of disruptions of production costs and market demands
3. Changes in market demands and supply chain coordination Demand disruptions also affect the performance of the business.
Changes in demand also affect the level of production and sales in a firm.
Effective strategies of responding to demand disruptions improve supply chain performance and enhance business recovery from the disruptions (Cao, Zhou, & Lu, 2015).
4.Changes in costs and supply chain coordination Disruptions of production costs in a firm also affect the business performance as it leads to increased prices which can affect market demand and supplies.

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