Duane Michals

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Duane Michals

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Duane Michals
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Duane Michals – Dr. Heisenberg’s Magic Mirror of Uncertainty, 1998
In your own words, describe the narrative conveyed in the sequence above in less than two (2) paragraphs.
The image is an up-close black and white photo of a young female looking through the mirror. However, what is fascinating is the manner in which the girl’s face is reflected in the mirror. The photographer managed to capture the reflection from the mirror, and it is quite intriguing. In fact, the mirror is not just an ordinary mirror. As the name suggests, Dr. Heisenberg’s magic mirror of uncertainty, this is a unique mirror because it is evident that it has distorted the face of the girl (Andreasson, 2015). There seem to be two faces looking away from each other. Additionally, one of the faces looks elongated while the other is a side view of her face. Consequently, her two mirror faces seem to be conjoined in a manner that suggests that she is the same person.
The mysterious mirror is oval, and the girl held it close to her during the shoot. The photo was shot near a wooden door because it is visible from the background. There was excellent exposure because there is enough lighting and the photo is clear. Duane Michals is a photo enthusiast and will try to create a narrative from a series of pictures or prints. The photo is just one of the six prints that have been used to explain the theory of uncertainty in quantum physics (And…

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