Does the use of Assistive technology in classroom hinder the cognitive development of normal students?

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Does the use of Assistive technology in classroom hinder the cognitive development of normal students?

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Assistive Technology
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Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is the technology used by students with disabilities to help them carry out activities or perform functions that might be impossible or difficult. The number of families and individuals that require the technology in their everyday lives continues to increase as time goes. In response, the developers keep developing to attain more specialized assistive technology to satisfy the needs of the population (Akpan, & Beard, 2013). With that, students in classrooms can learn with no difficulties. Learners with different disabilities can develop various skills such as self-reliance, problem-solving techniques, among many others.
Despite the advantages the assistive technology brings regarding the disabled students, its application in classrooms has diverse effects on normal students. For instance, in a computer class, there might be a disabled student who requires a voice-activated machine to work with which might make other students uncomfortable. Learning helps people improve their memory, learn new things, make decisions and remember things they have discovered (Akpan, & Beard, 2013). All of the above encompasses cognitive development which receives significant hindrance in a class where there is the use of assistive technology.
The most common problem brought about by assistive technology regarding the cognitive development of the normal student is that it act…

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