Does the concentration of Chlorophyll varies in the damage plant tissues

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Does the concentration of Chlorophyll varies in the damage plant tissues

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Chlorophyll Concentration in Leaves
Chlorophyll is a term used to refer to the green pigment found especially in plants and algae. The pigment is the main agent for photosynthesis because of its ability to attract the sun’s energy which is afterward used in the combination of water and carbon dioxide. Chlorophyll conducts the process of attracting light in stages. First, it captures the red wavelength, and the red one and then the green wavelength is reflected to summarize the whole process. The arrangement of chlorophyll molecules occurs around photosystems which are mainly eminent in chloroplasts membranes. They are of different types namely, type a and type b. Apart from aiding in the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll also helps plants to grow and survive environmental adversities. The concentration of chlorophyll in plants depends on the rate of light absorption. Plants growing in the shadows, for instance, have little exposure to sunlight as opposed to those growing in direct sunlight. Damaged leaves do not absorb so much sunlight as healthy leaves, and that could be the reason as to why they are damaged in the first place. The chlorophyll content in healthy leaves is, therefore, higher than that in damaged leaves. (Sevik et al. 1060). In the comparison to the content of Chlorophyll in tomatoes and in cucumbers, Medawar, Ghassan, and Desiree (01), report that the percentage of chlorophyll in tomato…

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