Discussion-Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness

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Discussion-Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness

Category: Satire Essay

Subcategory: Finance

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Week 11: Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Illness
In the article, the author explains the meaning of the slang chasing the dragon. In accordance with the definition provided by O’Hagan and Carvetta (2015), the author correctly defines it as the smoking of a heated solution of heroin, morphine, ya ba, and oxycodone by following the smoke that looks like a dragon and inhaling it. In helping the reader to understand the origin of the practice, the author explains that users believe that exercise helps to protect them against HIV/AIDS and other diseases. This explanation is in line with the findings of Strang et al. (1997) that noted that the practice started in the 1950s and originated from Hong Kong as a practice of protecting users from dreaded diseases. The author then acknowledges the difficulty associated with dealing with a dual diagnosis, the necessity of treating the disorders, and the available treatment options such as lifestyle changes, medication, and peer support, among others.
In line with the findings of the article, it is never easy to deal with an individual having both substances abuse and mental illness. As noted by Peters et al. (2015), such patients tend to have poor coping skills and are unable to deal with environmental stressors. The author cites the unique symptoms of both mental illness and substance abuse disorders that make it difficult for an individua…

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