Developing Alliances in Social Work Practice

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Developing Alliances in Social Work Practice

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Social Work

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Developing Alliances in Social Work
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Developing Alliances in Social Work
For this paper, I visited the Human Rights Watch (HRW) website. HRW is a global body that fights for the rights of people through advocacy and projects to eliminate vices such as human trafficking (Human Rights Watch, 2018). With outreach in more than 90 countries, HRW works with governments and other agencies to bring the perpetrators to justice.
To help Veronica and other victims of smuggling, HRW urges individuals to take action through financial and moral support, as well as advocacy. As a social worker, the primary role is to offer therapy to help the victims recover from the trauma. In conjunction with other professionals, NGOs, and other human rights agencies, social workers can mitigate the risk of trafficking through civic education, reporting, and lobbying for tighter laws against traffickers.
Increasing awareness can be achieved through research and collaboration with other individuals or organizations dealing with the same issue. In this case, research entails moving closer to the community level and establishing networks with vulnerable groups to have a deeper insight into the key aspects (Pascual-Leone et al. 2017). The information gained can then be shared with fellow workers and anti-trafficking bodies for further liaison. These sessions yield new concepts that can be applied in social work to increase self-awareness and community educati…

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