Deductive and Inductive argumentsOption

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Deductive and Inductive argumentsOption

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Inductive and deductive arguments
Institutional affiliation
Deductive reasoning
This is the process of reasoning stepwise from one or more premises until a logical conclusion is made from the statements. Inductive reasoning is where premises give support to a conclusion.
Deductive and inductive arguments
It’s clear that if the allies accidentally damage any holy sites when they attack enemy forces, the local people will never give allies any respect or cooperation. The allies, though, will not damage any holy sites. Therefore, the locals will respect the allies and cooperate with them.
This is inductive reasoning
Premise: If allies accidentally damage any holy sites when they attack enemy forces the local people will never give allies any respect or cooperation
Conclusion: The allies, though, will not damage any holy sites. Therefore, the locals will respect the allies and cooperate with them.
This argument is causal induction because it’s conclusion contains a causal claim. A causal claim is an argument that supports the conclusion (Evans, 1993).
. This is a strong argument since the conclusion is well supported and justified by the causal claim.
All politicians are corrupt manipulators so some manipulators are effective leaders since some effective leaders are politicians.
This is a deductive argument
Premise 1) All politicians are corrupt manipulators
Premise 2) Some effective leaders are politicians
Conclusion: Some …

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