debate analysis

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debate analysis

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Professional

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Instructor’s Name
Technology and Society
Research by the organization of economic and cooperation development showed that introduction of technology and computing studies had no significant effect on the performance of students. Researchers of technology and learning in K-12 environment conducted a research, which conflicted with that of the organization of economic and cooperation development ((Zheng and Warschauer 1). This debate analysis will focus on reasons why integration of technology in schools needs to be advanced or need to be abandoned.
Provision of a one to one laptop program in all classrooms in the entire district across the United States has operated for the last ten years. The Maine Learning Technology initiative was the first to introduce a one to one laptop program and these were extended to other schools within the district. Use of technology in learning has improved the academic achievement of students (Zheng and Warschauer 1). Improved scores in writing, science, maths and English language were recorded among other benefits of digital learning. Furthermore, Students who had laptops were able to write more across different genres and got more feedbacks, revised more papers, created electronic storybooks and published reports in language art.
One to one laptop program improved the skills of students in the 21st century. Clarke (26) claimed that students showed problem-solving skills when given a problem and rela…

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