Corrections Research Paper and Evaluation

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Corrections Research Paper and Evaluation

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Corrections Research Paper and Evaluation
The four primary objectives of sentencing and corrections include retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence, and incapacitation. The criminal justice system focused on recovery in most of the 20th century. However, this practice changed to a crime-control design to reduce crime in the society.
Additionally, the 21st century has brought various changes with a focus on community-oriented corrections (Clear, Michael, and George 10). We will discuss the numerous processes of jails, prisons, probations, juvenile, and community corrections. Furthermore, we will examine the impact of these institutions and programs as well as assess their security, technology, management, and security functions.
Jails are facilities used to detain people accused of a crime as they await trial. Law enforcement agencies run them. Majority of the offenders are sent to jail for a period not exceeding one year. Jails are ineffective in rehabilitation due to short sentences. Moreover, they have limited resources. The security is tight, and technology helps track of the offenders.
Prisons are facilities used to incarcerate those convicted of serious crimes, mostly felonies. Offenders spend more than one year in prison. When the judge sentences a person to prison, they are booked and entered into the system. The state runs most of the prisons. Security is very tight, and pris…

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