Contribution to Nursing Revised

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Contribution to Nursing Revised

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Contribution to Nursing Profession
As an individual, I achieve satisfaction from offering help to those in need. Nursing as a profession is both noble and complex and hence, requires total commitment to serving the sick and giving them the hope of getting well. The unpredictability of illnesses and wounds calls upon being always ready to attend to whichever sickness the patients suffer. I will help the patients with zeal and create a positive working environment to increase positive patient outcomes. Besides, I will work according to the ethics of this profession, which include administering care to patients in a knowledgeable way without any imminent harm to them.
Besides, I have always had the dream of making a significant contribution to the human race. I feel that the nursing profession gives me limitless instances and opportunities to accomplish that desire. I have had a long time interest in fibroids as a disease, and through all that time, I had the instinctive feeling that there has been minimal research in ascertaining the causes of the disease. I think every woman who has suffered fibroids deserves an answer concerning the root of the problem, so perhaps they can work towards taking preventive measures against the disease. I have always been confident that this is an ailment that can be treated in time and managed from spreading. I, therefore, wish to enroll in the nursing profession to have the…

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