Computer and Web Technology

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Computer and Web Technology

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Internet

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Computer and Web Technology
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Comparing Cognitive Walkthrough Evaluation to Pluralistic Walkthrough Evaluation
Cognitive walkthrough is more cost efficient since it requires a considerably few number of people and a simulated user environment. On the contrary, pluralistic evaluation requires a set of users, designers and developer plus a hard copy of the test scenario.
Cognitive walkthrough requires a functional prototype to be used while pluralistic evaluation can be in the early stages of design with the software’s plan on paper.
While a pluralistic walkthrough involves using the end users to capture their opinions on a piece of software, cognitive walkthrough simulates a user scenario, and the developers do the actual evaluation.
The cognitive evaluation aims to see how comfortable the user is with the site’s functionality testing and so does the pluralistic evaluation. The user interface design is at the test in the latter.
Cognitive evaluation may be done in simulation software, such as Computer Aided Design (CAD) where functionality is crucial, while pluralistic walkthrough may be done on interactive social media websites, such as Tumblr where user experience is valued.
How the Heuristic Evaluation Functions
Proper designs are encouraged to minimize the possibility of errors.Errors are better avoided than handled.
Provision of troubleshooting options in case of software failure. These are simple automated processes that g…

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