Communication Lab Report

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Communication Lab Report

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Hello people,
I am Chevanne Scott, and I would like to introduce myself to you. I come from Jamaica, and that is my native country. Driven by the need to secure employment away from my home country, I moved to the United States, a country that I consider to be full of opportunities. Indeed, that belief seems to be true for the time that I have been in this country.
As far as my family background is concerned, I come from a family of four. The family is composed of both of my parents, my brother, and I. My 29-year-old brother is a person that I directly relate with on a personal basis. My family, known as the Jamaicans, seems to be a lovely social setting to be in. My father works as an electrician in a private enterprise, and he is the opposite of my mother because he just wants to be left alone with his wife without being bothered.

Like most families, we do get into disputes, none of which we cannot handle. Being part of the family has enabled me to learn the best approaches to relating with people within and outside the family. We as the Jamaicans value interpersonal family relationships ahead of everything else.
I value academic work, and it is for this reason that I also moved to the United States. My career line falls into various industry lines. I am also interested in extra-curricular activities such as football and other games. My participation in these activities has enabled me to act in various leadership positions.
My professional history currently place…

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