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Gettysburg address

Name Course Instructor Date The Gettysburg Address In the Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln applied three critical rhetorical devices to appeal to the values, emotions, and logic of his audience. These three values included the ethos, pathos, and logos ADDIN CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : , "container-title" : "College Composition and Communication", "id" : "ITEM-1", "issue" : "3", "issued" : { "date-parts" : ] }, "page" : "438", "title" : "Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students", "type" : "article-journal", "volume" : "47" }, "uris" : } ], "mendeley" : { "formattedCitation" : "(Crowley and Hawhee)", "manualFormatting" : "(Crowley and Hawhee 438)", "plainTextFormattedCitation" :...

Why it is important to be a critical thinker.

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Why It Is Important To Be a Critical Thinker One of the most emphasized requirements in modern workplaces is critical thinking. As a process, it involves gathering information, structuring reasoning, the inclusion of evidence, the formulation of assumption, evaluation of options, and communication of conclusions. Consequently, it helps reach informed decisions that can be used in most critical situations such as in strategic change management (Peeler 333). It is important to be a critical thinker since it helps one both utilize available data and overcome biases consequently leading to informed decisions that can effect change. One importance of...


HIV infection among Haitian population in Miami Florida Institutional Affiliation Student’s Name Due date Target population/Community: HIV support group for HIV positive Haitian immigrants in Miami Florida Short Description HIV still stands to be a serious problem that faces American people, Haitian immigrants included. The large cities in the United States specifically Miami Florida has seen severe instances of the virus. According to the 2010 US Census, 424, 101 Haitian immigrants live in Florida, Miami. Through 2011, a population of 7,163 Haitian immigrants was diagnosed with HIV which represents 7 percent of the total 16 percent reported cases of blacks living with HIV in the city....

Journal 2

Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Title Date of Submission Journal 2 What do these documents suggest about the changing mindset of the times? During the late 18th and early parts of the 19th century, Europe experienced constant wars. Napoleon, the French leader, wanted to control most of Europe and attacked other nations. He had changed the political boundaries of countries within a decade. However, in 1813, the allied forces defeated Napoleon and came together to establish a political landscape of post-Napoleonic Europe which meant starting over for many European nations. The allied countries met at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815 and founded the order that would maintain order and...

no title

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Nationalism and Imperialism The concepts of nationalism and imperialism are related because one leads to the other. Nationalism occurs when citizens perceive their country as being better or greater than the others (In Breuilly 98). Conversely, imperialism happens when countries take an empire. Imperialism happens when countries want to prove that they are better than others. In essence, to prove their nationalism. Although nationalism often leads to imperialism, the process can also happen in reverse. At times, imperialism leads to nationalism. Countries establish empires which cause feelings of pride among citizens of a country, and they...

Business Essay

Leadership Name: Professor: Course: Date: Leadership Candidate A and B showcase a disposition to indulgence. They use alcoholic drinks and cigarettes on a daily basis. The first candidate has two mistresses while the second one had a history of using opium. Additionally, the two possess behaviors that many consider unproductive such as sleeping till noon and consulting astrologists. Therefore, the first two candidates portrayed characteristics that do not resemble those of leaders. However, the third candidate shows high levels of restraint. The individual shows minimal signs of indulgence as he or she only partakes in a few beers and lacks mistresses. As a decorated soldier, the candidate...

Discussion Response

Discussion Responses Name Course Institutional Affiliation Discussion Responses According to McAuliffe (2015), the law of diminishing marginal utility posits that as one increases the consumption of a good within a specific period, the additional satisfaction one derives from an additional unit of the good declines, when keeping consumption of other products constant. The law applies to even free goods such that when one visits a public beach for the first time, they would highly enjoy, but the more frequently they visit subsequently, the more likely they would have lower satisfaction. Similarly, after holding one's breath underwater, one would highly appreciate the first breath of...

2-2 Journal: Healthcare Research Priorities

Priority Health Trends Name Institution Priority Health Trends Population-focused health specializes on assessing the health characteristics of a specific population with the objective of ascertaining the interventions that befit it as a whole. To adequately address health problems, it is essential for the concerned healthcare bodies to monitor the health trends in regional populations. This paper points out some of the current health-related issues that population-focused health should dwell on. There have been reported increments in the instances of overweight and obesity. These increments are associated with poor dieting and changes in lifestyle (Yang & Colditz, 2015). It would,...

Atrial Fibrillation Discussion

Atrial Fibrillation Discussion Student’s Name Institution Atrial Fibrillation Discussion Reference:  Steinberg, B., Simon, D., Thomas, L., Ansell, J., Fonarow, G., & Gersh, B. et al. (2017). Management of Major Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Treated With Non–Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Compared With Warfarin in Clinical Practice (from Phase II of the Outcomes Registry for Better Informed Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation ). The American Journal of Cardiology 119(10), 1590-1595. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2017.02.015 Summary: This article details a study that was carried out among the US adults aged 18years and above who suffered from AF. The study participants...