chapter 12 questions

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chapter 12 questions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Consumer

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Chapter 12 questions
T/F: Identity development is a series of linear stages.
The identity development suggests that children development takes place in various stages that involve believing, thinking, and feeling (Case-Smith & O’Brien 369).
According to Hansen et al. (2003), what two themes about the development of identity related to engagement in occupations?
The two themes on the development of identity include attaining social capital and finding sources of support are related to engagement in occupation.
What three approaches are considered best practice for youth transition to adulthood?
The three approaches that are considered best practices for youth transition to adulthood include provision of developmentally and high-quality health care services leading to uninterrupted transition. The second approach encompasses provision of developmentally necessary care in adolescent and finally collaboratively engaging with youth to facilitate transition (Case-Smith & O’Brien 369).
What four groups of experiences contribute to Interpersonal interactions and relationships, per the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)?
The four groups of experience contribute to interpersonal interactions and relationships include contextual factors, health conditions, environmental factors and personal factors.
Describe at least one product or technology that can support social participation:
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