Business Scope

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Business Scope

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Business Scope in the Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic happens to be among the Caribbean’s utmost geographically diverse nations, with impressive mountain scenery, beaches galore, desert scrublands, and evocative colonial architecture. Dominicans have witnessed civil and political disorder, export-oriented busts and booms, ethnic tensions, and long times of army rule. The Republic comprises the lowest and highest advancements in the West Indies. Its main mountain collections and stretched, fertile valleys mostly extend to southeast from northwest (Defever, 2017). Therefore, this paper will discuss current issues of business scope in the Dominican Republic. The current issue in the Republic is the establishment of free trade zones which have expanded the business scope in the country.
A free zone refers to a section or an area that the administration established so as to attract foreign industry to create fresh operations or facilities. In utmost cases, the free zones are likely to be more attractive to the companies undertaking light manufacturing or assembly. However, numerous service-oriented firms are also discovering that an order processing or call center operation could enjoy tremendous levy and other benefits as well. The Dominican is well recognized for its agricultural and tourism business, with one of the biggest economies amongst the Caribbean countries. Its vacation industry is generally credited to the reputation of the nation�…

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