Business Management

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Business Management

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

How to Lose Weight
Losing weight is one of the significant goals people have especially in the 21st century. There are many strategies of losing weight, but all these can be condensed into three main steps. These steps include reducing the intake of sugars and starches, increasing the amounts of proteins and vegetables taken and exercising.
Strategies for losing weight
One of the most effective ways of losing weight is cutting on the levels of sugar and starch in a diet (Lustig, 2013). Refined sugar and carbohydrates contain fine sugar that is easily absorbed into the body system and also less fiber. These foods are sweated, and the people tend to take it in high amounts. The excess sugar and refined carbohydrates lead to massive weight gain (Vogel & Mol, 2014). Limiting these sugars thus leads to a reduction of the level of hunger and hence the body uses the stored fats for energy instead of eating leading to a decrease in weight.
Eating food rich in protein is another strategy of losing weight and combining the diet with vegetables. Proteins boost metabolism and also reduce the craving for food by about 60% meaning the person will not regularly eat (Astrup et al., 2015). Eating protein also ensure that the stomach is full for a longer time eliminating snacks and excessive eating that cause an increase in weight. On the other hand, vegetables provide the minerals and vitamins required for a healthy body. The third steps of…

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