Biology Persuasive Essay

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Biology Persuasive Essay

Category: Persuasive Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Our bodies have been covered with millions of microbes, these includes pathogens which makes us ill and microbes which makes us good.
Copies of the lesson questions
The primary learning objectives will be for students to define what they understand by what is a microbe, identify the major types of microbes they know and stat some of the useful functions of microbes (Naeem, Chapin et al, 1999).
The lesson will begin by asking the student what they understand by the word microbe. Some of the answers which student will give will be written on the board. Student should provide pros and cons of microbes
The students will be informed about what microbes do in ration to the illness which they cause. Also they are going to gain more knowledge when it comes to bacteria and has a discussion of what microbes are, knows some of their types, and their uses in the body.
Playing the video and pauses it after some few minutes so that you can have some discussion with the student.
Asking the questions:
Do you know what a microbe is?
Do we have good or bad microbes?
Name the place where microbes are likely to be found?
Are microbes present in our bodies?
Name the five groups of microbes?
Which kind of species of microbe’s assist the intestines in food digestions?
The student will be given lesson quizzes so that they can answer to check if they have understood what microbes are.
The instructor will go over the questions on…

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