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Endosymbiotic Theory

Era, relationship, and the condition on earth Students Name Institution Affiliation Era, relationship, and the condition on earth Endosymbiosis theory explains the double membrane fusion with double membrane and of the chloroplasts and the mitochondria. Endocytosis over the years is postulated to have resulted in this fusion between the blue-green algae and the bacteria over time. The process involves gaining entry into a cell without piercing the cell membrane. The plasma of the cell membrane engulfs the foreign material locking it inside and as a result, an intercellular vesicle form. The chloroplasts and the mitochondria resemble those of the prokaryotic ribosomes. The existence of the...

Environmental Worldviews, Policy, and Industrial Ecology

Environmental World Views, Policy and Industrial Ecology Name: Unit: Professor: Submission date: Introduction Economic development goes hand in hand with environmental sustainability. It is from the environment that the resource that foster economic development is obtained. The outputs of activities of economic development are released into the environment through different channels. Hence, economic development and environment are interlinked as they affect each other (Gifford 2004). With a deteriorating environment, the economic development is at risk and with uncontrolled economic development activities the environment quality is at risk too. The interlinking of the two factors has...

Basic Biology

Research Paper: Basic Biology Name of Student Institution Affiliation ASSIGNMENT-08 DNA in forensic science. Analysis of Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is very important and significant in the field of forensic science. The science deals with tracing the pedigree or origin of a culprit or the accused based on the evaluation of his or her nucleotide sequence in the DNA. The nucleotides Adenine, thymine, guanine and Cytosine are often conserved at specific sites of the DNA of an individual. This site conservation of...

Cardiovascular System and Physical Fitness

Cardiovascular System and Physical Fitness Name of Student Professor’s Name Cardiovascular System and Physical Fitness 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Sports and exercise physiology is a growing science and has major implications towards athletic performance. It lays the foundation for assessment of various physiological, psychological and anatomical variables that influences the performance of an athlete on the field (Haskell et al., 2012). Understanding such variables is extremely important from the perspective of designing various training programs as an individualistic approach for each athlete (Haskell et al., 2012). One such physiological variable that needs...

asthma in children

Name of the Student Professor’s Name Biology 28th November 2015 Assessment of Predisposing Factors for Childhood Asthma in the United States: A Retrospective Analysis Abstract Asthma is an obstructive lung disease that is marked by a difficulty to exhale out the inspired air. The prevalence of asthma is on the rise and there are various triggering factors which cause asthma in adults and children. Children are susceptible to such triggers which cause asthmatic episodes in them. Childhood asthma is a growing across parents and pediatricians, all across the world. The present study attempted to evaluate the episodes of asthma based on age, gender and race, in a group of asthmatic and...