Binomial distribution

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Binomial distribution

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Nowadays more and more teenagers drink alcohol illegally. They might drink beer or stronger drinks. There are cases where teenagers have had alcohol poisoning and have been rushed to the hospital, and there are also cases that teens have lost their lives to alcohol, either directly or indirectly due to a car accident. This phenomenon is becoming worse despite education and efforts by the society to inform the youth about alcohol’s destructive consequences. A recent survey showed the percentages of American students who consume alcohol.
Source: to a survey in 2017 about 12th Grade students in the USA about alcohol consumption;
33% of them reported having had a drink a month before
19% of them had been drunk at least once
17% reported binge drinking
2% reported daily drinking
30 teenagers are randomly selected and are asked whether they have ever been drunk or not. They answer with a “yes” or “no” answer. Therefore, there were only two possible outcomes for each answer, either success or failure. The experiment includes 30 trials where each one is independent of the other trials. As a result, we have n=30 independent trials. The probability of either success or failure is the same, and it is represented by the letter p. The probability that the teenager has been drunk is p=0.19% according to the survey. The probability that a teenager has never been drunk is…

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