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Category: Persuasive Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: Academic

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Students Name
25th October, 2015.
Below In Paper
Why does a lack of socialization cause problems in a community?
Answer: Socialization is the process through which individuals become a responsible member of the civic society. Such process helps to build the societal norms and expectations of other individuals of a specific society. It helps to inculcate the societal beliefs, norms, values and points of common interest, which benefits a society. Socialization is a learned process and individuals can only exhibit proper societal behavior through appropriate social interactions. There are various agents of socialization. These include school environment, peer groups, one’s workplace, and places of religious practice. Lack of socialization may contribute to various problems in a given community.
First of all, an individual who does not socialize would be unable to reflect on his or her behavior. Individuals in a society act as instruments of feedback system and provide an opportunity for an individual towards self-development in adherence to societal norms. Secondly, socialization provides an opportunity to inculcate moral values and moral development. Until and unless an individual he or she cannot differentiate between the good and the evil. Thirdly, socialization helps to transfer value systems from one generation to another generation. Hence, a lack of socializatio…

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