Assess the status of African-Americans at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Had America transformed into a postracial nation as some social commentators claimed?

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Assess the status of African-Americans at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Had America transformed into a postracial nation as some social commentators claimed?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Post-Racial not yet for America
America had not transformed into a post-racial nation at the beginning of the twenty-first century. One reason why America has not yet reached the post-racial stage is the treatment of the African-Americans in the social justice system. Most of them continue to receive unfair treatment and judgment just as it has been before the twenty-first century. Police are still killing most African Americans without proper reasons, and the government does not take any action. Sometimes the cops shoot them and claim that they were armed while they are not. In 2015, the police were accused to have killed 7.13 African Americans and only 2.91 Americans per million (Guardian 1).
US government also has been labeled to propagate racism in the twenty-first century in areas like disaster response. The government is noted to be slow in responding to issues relating to the blacks only to be keen on matters about the whites like deaths and shootings. An example is the Hurricane Katrina disaster which occurred in Lower Ninth Ward in 2016 an area inhabited by over 90 percent black. The poor, black and minority people were primary victims while the rich survived because they lived in areas free from the disaster.
Racial division in America is another evidence to support that America had not attained post-racial at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Looking at the US demographics, African Americans occupy the states ter…

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