argue about either differences or similarities of hammurabi and eloquent peasant

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argue about either differences or similarities of hammurabi and eloquent peasant

Category: Analytical Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name
Hammurabi and Eloquent Peasant
The two stories of ma ‘at and that of Hammurabi compares two societies and two different criteria of handling of handling their affairs. In the story of an eloquent peasant, ma ‘at explains how he is surprised to hear his life won’t be taken seeing as that is a societal standard. It is similar to Hammurabi in the way he made his possessions pay off his debt. In this essay, we will argue the similarities and differences of social status and legal preferences as well as Gender issues we see in this era.
There exists a significant difference between the two societies about gender. Women are treated differently in a marriage. In Egypt they protect daughters more than sons, for instance, a man is forced to pay ten shekels of silver if he strikes a daughter of a free man and causes her to abort, and If the woman dies then, his daughter gets killed. It’s a gender issue in that they ignore to talk of if a woman strikes the son of a free man and causes him to die. On the other hand, if the daughter was from a peasant family the man is required to pay five shekels, and if she dies, he shall pay half a mina of silver. In Mesopotamia, women are the ones who paid dowry during the marriage as compared to other African communities where men pay. Women were in higher positions for instance in monarchs. They retained ownership of property and gave those to soldiers and other authorities for the services they offered …

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