Answer question

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Answer question

Category: Essay

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Humanitarian intervention has evolved over the years. Initially, countries would make independent decisions based on the existing indicators on whether to intervene. However, following the World War I and II, the world has taken a diplomatic approach by dealing with humanitarian crises. International bodies such as the UN have made the collective humanitarian intervention to become formal. The reason is that the body has enacted international laws that act as a guide towards any form of intervention. Through its powers, it is able to command countries to send their troops or diplomatic convoys with the aim of resolving an existing conflict.
Despite the existing structures that guide collective humanitarian intervention, the approach has not been effective in avoiding crises. For instance, the recent intervention by Britain, France, and the US in Syria is an indication that the body mandated with regulating any collective form of intervention has failed to play its role (Lachenmann and Rüdiger 57). The reason is that the three countries interfered with the sovereignty of Syria. The analysts have argued that United Nations avoid any conflict with its major financiers, an aspect that would threaten its existence. Therefore, the bodies mandated with regulating any form of collective humanitarian intervention have been held hostage by the superpowers. These are countries that do not consult United Nations when interfering with a sovereign c…

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