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Category: Exploratory Essay

Subcategory: Shakespeare

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s name
Ahimsa is a religious practice engaged by the Buddhism, Hinduism and the Jainism in which people perform actions that do not harm others in any way. It is a form of a vow and when we refer to harm it implies that someone’s action should not be capable of harming his fellow human beings or animals in general. In any case, Ahimsa entails the virtue of not ending any animals’ life and encourages people to knowingly or unknowingly do actions that do not injure any living soul. By observing the practice, human and animal life is preserved, and it is believed that it is the beginning of harmony in human life. Such methods have both negative and positive impacts upon the national and international policies.
Observing the Ahimsa laws can have a massive impact on the lives of many individuals in the world as it will encourage equality for all humans in the effort to alleviate human suffering. For instance, Human trafficking is the second most rated international offense besides drug trafficking and abuse. Observing the practice in the first instance will disapprove the act and people would not worry that their relatives or friends will be coerced into getting in such activities. Human dignity would be of higher values (Logan 15). In another instance, America is one of the most significant consumers of meat and meat products. If the practice were to be observed, many meat companies would be closed, and many people will end up being une…

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