Addiction & Dependency

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Addiction & Dependency

Category: Editing

Subcategory: Mechanical Engineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Addition and dependency
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Addition and dependency
Hearing about addition, many images come to our mind. An addition is presumed to be linked to misuse and drug abuse. Addition of substance is a serious problem that needs innovative solutions to solve bad behaviors and habits from addicts. Typically, addition is a complex psychological disorder characterized by impairment in control over drug use (Horvath et al., 2018). The war on drug use in American can be won through basing the focus and investment on treatment rather than punishing the drug addicts.
Important strides in drug misuse control in the United States would be boosted by utilization of policies supporting treatment of the affected and preventing new ones from being drug addicts. Counseling and public education about mental health would play an important role in solving addition disorder (National Research Council., 2004). Some nation such as America is faced with problems of dealing with the treatment of addition since it is the most expensive health problem. Besides, addition does not only have an impact on the financial status of the country but also exacts negative human impact. Typically, many lives in the country are completely damaged as well as changed due to drug use and its addition (Dombeck, 2008). Drugs cause mental health disorders both when taking and withdrawing. Therefore, investing in prevention and treatment would possibly intervene successfully in solving t…

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