A Class Divided

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A Class Divided

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

A Class Divided
Students’ Name
Professors’ Name
Institution Affiliation
The fact that the exercise got carried out on a school set up where the characters belong to the same age, education level, colour, and another couple of similar things, it can equally work for a more diversified setup. The reason why it would work in such a setting is that despite how small the class was, there was a range of different personal attributes available which the teacher exploited to bring about division in the class (Elliot, 2003). For this case, the use of the colour of the pupil’s eye by their teacher was well thought out to bring out a clear difference. Therefore, having a diverse setting makes it easier for carrying out such an exercise due to the availability of a lot of personal differences. For example, in a setup such as a college, people of different races, colour, language, and other attributes all study together. These students portray individual weaknesses and strengths which others do not exhibit irrespective of their race. One could use such set up to conduct the exercise provided everyone gets adequate information about its objectives to avoid taking things at a personal level.
As a parent, I would be okay with my kids being treated in such a manner at school by their teachers. The reason why I would advocate for such is that, in the process of interacting with their colleagues from different backgrounds at school, kids hear a lot of things both bad and good. Some…

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